Singapores number 1 environmental Pre-School . Established in 2002. The number 1 feeder school for several of Singapore’s international schools. This is not a kindergarten or a day care centre. It’s a commercial school aimed at teaching young children that there is an alternative to air conditioned, man-made environments, to respect nature and to be in awe of our precious environment.
All equipment is carefully designed, sourced and manufactured to a high sustainability standard. Premises have been custom designed to maximise a secure and productive play area with direct access to the outdoors and nature.
This business operates 5 mornings a week during term time. There is an opportunity to expand To afternoons, weekends and holiday time if required.
Strong turnover and stable, high margins. 3 year renewable lease. But this is not a cookie-cutter business. It needs a streak of independence and strong creative application to Ensure continued success.
Expect dirt, expect sweat and expect results! Selling due to relocation in the coming 3 years.